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iPhone 14 256 GB - Used mobile phone - iPhone 4S, 5S, 6, 6S, 6S Plus, 7 and 7Plus - description

Hello, we sell second-hand phones, not refurbished. We have several grades available A/AB/BC. We sell stocks available in VAT on Margin but also in Standard VAT.

- 1 month warranty

- Exchange of after-sales service

- Full original, no refurbished parts

-UPS Express Delivery

Here is the list of our current stock physique:

*14's SERIES* ✅✅
iP 14 PRO MAX 128
iP 14 PRO 128
iP 14 PLUS 128
IP 14,256
iP 14 128

13's SERIES ✅✅
iP 13 128
iP 13 MINI 128

12's SERIES ✅✅
iP 12 PRO MAX 256
iP 12 PRO MAX 128
iP 12 PRO 256
iP 12 PRO 128
iP 12,128
iP 12 64
iP 12 mini 128
iP 12 mini 64

11's SERIES ✅✅
iP 11 pro max 64
iP 11 pro max 256
iP 11 pro 256
iP 11 64

iP XS MAX 64
iP XS 64
iP XR 128
iP XR 64
iP X 64
iP 8 PLUS 64
iP 8 64
iP 7 PLUS 128
iP 7 PLUS 32
iP 7 128
iP 7 32


*Full Origin*
1 month warranty

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Payment options

  • Bank transfer

Delivery options

  • Collection in person
  • National delivery
  • International delivery

Shipping to countries

The seller has not declared the countries to which he is sending the product. To obtain this information, please contact the seller.

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