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Lot of detergents and softeners (Green Forest) - Sale outside Europe - Min. order: 1 trailer

€1.00 /piece price excl. VAT

Minimal order
5000 pieces
Available quantity
112000 pieces

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Lot of detergents and softeners (Green Forest) - Sale outside Europe - Min. order: 1 trailer - description

800 pallets of assorted product of the Bosque Verde brand - Minimum order one trailer. Sales outside Europe

Brightener 792 u.
Dark Laundry Detergent 1,128 u.
Cologne Detergent 9,808 u.
Blue Freshness Detergent 10,162 u.
Marseille detergent 10,104 u.
White and Color Laundry Detergent 3,072 u.
Delicate Laundry Detergent 4,412 u.
Dishwasher 12,642 u.
Blue Softener 37,116 u.
Colonia Fabric Softener 5,024 u.
Talc Softener 8,400 u.
Nutrive Fabric Softener 5,458 u.
Floral Softener 16,009 u.
Hypoallergenic softener 2,680 u.
Dulzzia Softener 1,900 u.
SPA Softener 2,700 u.
Washing Machine Perfumer 5,226 u.

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  • National delivery
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The seller has not declared the countries to which he is sending the product. To obtain this information, please contact the seller.

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