Sale of lots of furniture from major brands (WAYFAIR, BELIANI, OTTO, HOME 24, DFS FOURNITURE, WESTWING...)
Class B, i.e. the cardboard or box can be damaged because it is usually a return from exhibitions or customer returns but the goods are intact.
Batches are made up of 120 to 500 units depending on the type of goods.
We work with all batches with packing list
Prices range from €8,000 to €14,000 for the full lot depending on the final store selling price. (WE ALWAYS SELL BETWEEN 22% AND 28% OF THE STORE'S SALE VALUE)
Each batch corresponds to a chain of stores (we never mix different batches).
Contact me, I will send you all the information you need, packing list, photos and videos.
Payment options
- Bank transfer
- MasterCard
- American Express
Delivery options
- Collection in person
- National delivery
- International delivery